Keynote Speakers

Richard. J. (Dick) Haynes
The University of Queensland, St Lucia,
Queensland, Australia
Professor Haynes works in
the areas of soil and environmental science. His present
research interests are in the use and recycling of industrial,
agricultural and municipal wastes and minimising their effects
on the environment. He has extensive experience having worked as
both an applied research scientist and as a university professor
and has worked in New Zealand, South Africa and Australia. He
has published over 170 original research papers in international
journals, over 20 review papers in international volumes as well
as many conference and extension papers and contract reports. He
has been an invited keynote speaker at 7 international
conferences and has served on the editorial board of 4
international research journals. He has acted as principal
supervisor and co-supervisor of PhD, MSc and honours students in
both South Africa and Australia. Professor Haynes has carried
out research in commercial horticultural, pastoral, arable and
forestry production as well as in small-holder semi subsistence
agriculture. He has also worked on bioremediation of soils
contaminated with organic pollutants, rehabilitation of mined
sites, application of organic and inorganic wastes to soils and
the effects of heavy metal contaminants on soil processes. His
research has been mainly in the areas of applied soil chemistry
and soil microbiology/biology with links to soil physical
properties and to pollution of air and water. He has specialised
in working on applied problems and maintains strong links with
industry. Major areas of research have included the role of
grazing animals in the fertility of pastoral soils, N cycling
and gaseous and leaching losses from arable and pastoral
systems, soil quality and soil degradation under agricultural
land use, effects of soil contaminants on soil processes,
rehabilitation and remediation of contaminated, degraded and
mined sites and use of wastes as soil amendments.

Siroux Monica
INSA Strasbourg (National Institute of Applied
Sciences), France
M. Siroux is Full Professor at
INSA Strasbourg (National Institute of Applied Sciences) and at
Laboratoire ICube, University of Strasbourg FRANCE. Professor
Siroux is Director of the Energy and Electrical Engineering
Department - INSA Strasbourg and Director of a Research Chair
"Innovative Walls” . M Siroux lead a group of researchers and
PhD students and the main field of research are Energy
efficiency in buildings. Field of research: Energy efficiency in
buildings, Renewable energy Some recent publications T. PFLUG,
N. NESTLE, T. KUHN, M. SIROUX, C. MAURER Modeling of facade
elements with switchable U-value, Energy and Buildings, M. CUNY,
J. LIN, M. SIROUX, V. MAGNENET, C. FOND Influence of coating
soil types on the energy of earth-air heat exchanger, Energy and

Yaning Zhang
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Dr. Yaning Zhang is a full
professor at the School of Energy Science and Engineering of
Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) in China. He ever worked as
a visiting scholar (2011-2012) and postdoctoral fellow (2013) at
Dalhousie University in Canada, and a postdoctor at University
of Minnesota Twin Cities in the USA (2016-2018). His research
interests include biomass (mainly microwave-assisted
gasification and pyrolysis), thermodynamics, etc. He has
published 6 books, 10 book chapters and more than 130 journal
papers with a H-index of 38. He serves as an associate editor
for Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and
Environmental Effects, and an editorial broad member for Biomass
Conversion and Biorefinery, Journal of Thermal Science, Biochar,
Carbon Research, etc. He also served as a Guest Editor for
Journal of Cleaner Production, Renewable Energy, ACS Sustainable
Chemistry & Engineering, Sustainable Energy Technologies and
Assessments, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Thermal
Science, etc.